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blue solar panel boards
Newspaper headline Church of England invests £30million to achieve its 2030 net-zero target.
Newspaper headline Church of England invests £30million to achieve its 2030 net-zero target.

We start with using your data to produce a Streamlined Energy and Carbon Report (SECR).

If you are a large company (250+ employees) this is mandatory and will usually be part of your Trustees' Report.

Many smaller institutions now acknowledge the advantages of monitoring energy and carbon.

Monitor and reduce your emissions to ensure your estate is meeting net-zero goals.

Energy and Carbon Audits

Our energy and carbon audits identify energy-saving opportunities and provide recommendations for improving energy efficiency.

We will help engage your staff and pupils by producing an accessible version of the report as a PowerPoint. This could be used in assemblies, tutorials, parent's evenings and web site.

  • Share you improvements.

  • Staff, students and parents will want to hear about improvements that you are making.

  • A comfortable and sustainable learning environment can only aid recruitment and retention.

  • We would also be delighted to meet staff and pupils to work on an energy saving-strategy.

We offer you more!

We make it simple and cost-effective!

We will need some basic data, then we do the rest for you. At a busy time of year, let your staff concentrate on their job, and we will produce the report for you. We are fully qualified to produce the report and deal with any auditing concerns.

SECR is what we do!

... and more!

We use our extensive contacts to help you reduce costs. Use our expertise to investigate:

  • Solar PV

  • Energy Procurement

  • Building and retro-fit

  • Non-residential Energy Performance Certificates (EPC)

We are here to support your Sustainability Lead Teachers

Your new Sustainability Leads will be desperately keen to make a difference. However, we know that combining this new role with being a busy teacher is going to be really hard. We've got a plan that will enable your Sustainability Leads to do what they're good at - enthusing pupils, talking to parents and colleagues etc. We'll pick up some of their load and use our knowledge and connections to drive sustainability in their schools.

What we can offer:

  • Annual or termly motivational meetings with a group of lead teachers

  • Individual virtual meetings

  • Guidance writing Climate Action Plans

  • Recommendations for suppliers

  • Arrange energy assessments

  • Quote negotiation

  • Supplier follow-up

  • Coordination with head office

  • WhatsApp group to share ideas and problems

  • Preparation of presentations and briefing documents